Thursday, July 01, 2010

Motor Tour 3 - Campsites

We had a variety of wonderful camping spots. I had no idea that our area of Mongolia had so many trees! Our first night could have been a pleasant forest in central Oregon. Everyone piled out of their trucks about sundown (10pm-ish, the earliest we ever made camp!). Then, due to a small excursion in the morning (not to mention the stockpile of beer and vodka from the night before) we hung around this beautiful spot for HOURS!

Our next night was very different are far more typically Mongolian - a great view from a grassy hilltop, but not a tree in sight. There was a salt lake in the distance and plenty of critters to entertain us, though.

The food was also quite interesting, though nothing was different about it at all - fairly bland greasy soups every night (usually around midnight)! I actually quite liked it... for the first couple nights. Although I slowly lost my appetite, it had nothing to do with the fact that we butchered, smoked, and carried our own meat throughout the long hot days. Actually the bloodless killing, skinning and light smoking are all quite fascinating... now if only we had some curry, or at least ketchup!

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